How To Create Content For Your Business in 2020

Published on
March 6, 2020

How can I go about creating more content for my business? What the heck do I even post on social media?

These are the questions that I get from business owners constantly. Most of the time, most people just don't know what to post.

In this video, I'm going to show you three quick and easy steps to creating content left and right for your business so it can explode.

Step 1 - Set A Plan

The first step is to set a plan and this cannot be overstated.

Here's what I want you to do:

  • Take your service or product and then break it down into categories
  • Then break those down to micro topics.
  • Under those micro topics, you're going to create a problem, you're going to agitate it, and then you're going to provide three or four tips as solutions to that problem.

This is known in copywriting as the Problem-Agitate-Solve copywriting formula.

But for you to make this really simple so you don't have to overthink it, you're just going to take categories, micro topics and then break that down to a problem and solutions.

As an example, the video that you're watching right now, the micro topic in this case would be how to create more content and the category would be content.

Right now I'm showing you those three ways to help solve the initial problem that I presented in the beginning of this video.

Step 2 - Don’t Overthink The Content

Step two is do not overthink the content that you're creating. It does not have to be a super high production. In fact, I'm going to show you a quick behind the scenes here of how I'm filming this.

All I'm using is my iPhone set up on a tripod and I do have a microphone system and lighting system.

However, for you to get started right now, all you need is your phone.

Even if you don't have a tripod, what I've recommended to people, just prop your phone up on something, prop it up against a book, prop it up against a mug or your computer. Just prop it up against something and just start filming.

The second thing I'd recommend you do is just get yourself a good microphone. You can get a really good microphone by Deity Microphones for $50. This is not sponsored by them, but I use their products religiously. I'm very, very pleased with them. They have a wired mic that's about 50 bucks and it gives you like 20 feet worth of cord.

It will make your video sound a lot better, which arguably is much more important than the quality of the video itself.

Now, if you want to put on a tripod, I'll leave a link in the description in the caption here with one that I've recommended to many clients. It's under 30 bucks, and it gives you a phone holder plus a tripod that can go on your desk or can be floor mounted. It gives you a lot of versatile options.

The other thing you'll notice here as I'll show you in the behind the scenes, I'm swapping up posted notes here. As I've planned out this content, I just wrote down the outline as kind of like bullet points so that way I could just reference the Post-it Note right below my phone every now and then as I'm cutting the video.


Step three is to just start making the content without overthinking it.

I would recommend using stories as a starting line. They're 15 seconds long, they disappear after 24 hours, so you don't have to worry about it living on your feed. Just start with Instagram Stories to kind of get yourself familiar with video if that's the route you're going to go.

You don't have to create talking head videos like this by the way. You can just create a video showing the service that you're doing or showing a product. You don't have to be in the video. You do not have to do a talking head style video.

If you are going to do any sort of video, even if it's just you narrating over something that you're just kind of showing people, what I would recommend doing, starting with just a one take video.

That basically just means you hit start, you talk for a bit, and then you hit stop and that's the thing you post. You do no editing to that at all

 You can make that successful if you follow the outline that I just showed you, which is one sentence, one problem, one sentence, one agitation equals one sentence, and then provide three tips or three solutions, and each of those are about one sentence.

You can pretty much get 60 seconds of video from basically those five sentences that you're going to talk about if you plan it out correctly. Now, if you do want to take it to the next level and start producing and editing videos, then you could do something like what I'm doing right now.

I'm taking each bullet point or each step and I'm hitting stop, start, and stop on my iPhone and then I'm going to take that into Premiere and edit it right after.

Now, video editing does not have to be complicated. It does not have to be overwhelming. In fact, you can use things like Premiere Rush, which is my go-to for beginners. It's super easy.

You can just take your iPhone footage, put it right into Premiere Rush, and start editing a whole bunch of these clips together.

If you want a personalized one-on-one session on how you can do that, wink, just drop a comment and then I'll reach out to you. But otherwise, you do not have to have a highly produced video. You can just literally hit start, stop, and then you're good to go.


Okay, those are three steps. But now as a bonus step, as a fourth bonus step, I'd recommend leaving a CTA at the end of the video, which is a call to action.

This is basically the next step you want your viewer to take. Again, whether you're doing a talking head like this or you're doing kind of a product overview video that you've talked over, either way, at the end of that video, you want to let people know what the next logical step is to take.

The CTA would look something like this:

"Hey, if you've enjoyed this video and you want to learn more or perhaps have a one-on-one video coaching session, then reach out to me in the comments and I'll get back to you and show you how you can easily produce more video content this year so you can explode your business and your goals."

That's it. That was my call to action. That was both a demonstration, but also an actual call to action.

If you wanted more help, reach out to me. But otherwise, that was how you're going to structure your video so that way you can make a whole bunch of these videos.

Again, what I want you to do, create a plan, create a plan of a whole bunch of these micro topics, write an outline for them, and then just start recording, hitting start and stop, and do not overthink it.

Just make the video. Throw spaghetti on the wall, see what sticks. As it starts to stick, then start adding stuff to it, such as editing extra B-roll footage, just this behind the scenes stuff, titles and all that kind of fun stuff. But for now, just start, stop, and post.

That's basically it. If you saw value in this video, go ahead and hit a like button, and I'll see you in the next one.

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